Latest entries for the tag Sequencers entries for the tag SequencersenTue, 07 Mar 2023 10:55:20 +0000Maxime Dangles: Unlikely Connections it’s collaborating with scientists on research into the impact of sound on marine ecosystems, or building and sharing his own devices for multi-channel live performances, Maxime Dangles experiences the world as one of endless and fascinating sonic interactions. In the Ableton community, Dangles is recognized for his versatile sound…Tue, 07 Mar 2023 10:55:20 +0000 Chaos: Generate Complex Patterns with MIDI Effects it comes to laying down a sequence, there’s no right or wrong between programming your own pattern and letting the technology do the heavy lifting. Musical training and a keen sense of rhythm are indispensable tools to have in your kit, but there are also exciting possibilities that open…Wed, 19 Aug 2020 10:53:50 +0000 Mutating and Evolving Sounds at Your Control it comes to sound design, it’s often the way one or more sources are mixed together that gives an exciting and distinct character. But doing this manually can be tiresome and risks taking you out of your flow.Thu, 05 Jan 2017 11:24:40 +0000’t DJ: Exotica On The Dancefloor’s fair to say that lately there has been an increasing interest in polyrhythms and traditional percussion within the sphere of electronic music. This is not strictly a new phenomenon – back in the 70s and 80s, artists such as Brian Eno, Jon Hassell and Adrian Sherwood were producing forward-thinking electronic music while looking outside the Western world for rhythmic and timbral inspiration – but after decades of 4/4 dominance (not least in the realms of house and techno) there seems to be an upsurge of new music seeking to break out of the rigid rhythmical structures that much of popular Western music is built on.Mon, 17 Oct 2016 11:30:26 +0000 & Timbre: The polymetric rhythm engine gets an overhaul duo Skinnerbox have given their widely admired rhythm engine and drum synthesis instrument a major update. Free for existing users or available to buy now, they’ve crammed the Pack full of new devices that integrate the engine’s unique groove, swing and timing throughout your production process. And on top...Wed, 15 Jun 2016 12:11:05 +0000 our fun seasonal sequencer – Little Drummer Toy couple of rogue elves within the Ableton workshop have been busy working on a stocking stuffer for music makers. We’d like to share their handiwork: an app they call Little Drummer Toy. Unlike your novelty socks, this gift will keep on giving. With each go you’ll be paired with...Mon, 21 Dec 2015 10:27:40 +0000 Stuff Friday: Playful Push Sequencer, Glitch Samples, and a Noise Synth in the Free Stuff Friday department at Ableton HQ, we enjoy sharing fantastic free stuff from the community - especially if it can expose you to new ideas. This week, there’s some playful/somewhat out-there pieces of stuff to download, which might just provide you with the creative shot in...Fri, 22 Aug 2014 10:38:42 +0000 Beats with Push advance of the release of Ableton Push, we'd like to share some of the details about how our first instrument works. For this first new tutorial, the focus is on making beats with Push.Tue, 11 Dec 2012 12:09:23 +0000 a Free Max for Live Euclidean Rhythm Generator for a different way to sequence rhythms? Euclidean Rhythm Generator, a Max for Live MIDI Device from Jürgen Schmitz, uses geometric divisions for sequencing. Check out a video of the Euclidean Rhythm Generator in action to see how it works: Download the Euclidean Rhythm GeneratorTue, 20 Nov 2012 16:47:02 +0000 Digital Music on "Max for Live Gems" Create Digital Music blogger Peter Kirn notes, Max for Live "has played host to a growing wave of brilliant custom tools – enough so that it can be hard to keep track." In a new post, Peter singles out three particular devices - Clip Automation, Mapulator, and The Protoclidean ...Thu, 23 Feb 2012 17:14:34 +0000 a Melodic Step Sequencer in Live - Two-Part Tutorial from The Ableton Cookbook you've been making electronic music for a while, chances are you've come across a step sequencer. In these videos, Ableton Cookbook blogger Anthony Arroyo demonstrates how to make a melodic step sequencer using Live's native devices. Even if you're not sure why you'd want a step sequencer, check out ...Tue, 21 Feb 2012 15:48:27 +0000 Copy: Ableton Live is the Brain Copy use Ableton Live as a sampler and sequencer that is central to their thrilling live show.Wed, 02 Nov 2011 10:04:54 +0000