Latest entries for the tag Field Recording entries for the tag Field RecordingenWed, 15 Nov 2023 15:12:03 +0000Hinako Omori: Finding Stillness the chaos of a world marked by seemingly permanent crisis, producer and composer Hinako Omori encourages us to tune back into the stillness of our natural surroundings. Although she was raised in London, Omori’s work is rooted in a respect for nature and tranquility that she ascribes more to…Wed, 15 Nov 2023 15:12:03 +0000 Orchestra of All Things: Sampling Your Environment it’s only mildly surprising to learn that the beat you love was made with a cardboard box and a field recording of a frog. But up until the late 80s, recording household trash with microphones seemed like the business of experimental composers, and field recording was something people with…Fri, 05 May 2023 13:08:35 +0000 Ogboh: The City Is The Composer’s been a lot of talk about Emeka Ogboh since he entered the music world. Following a move to Berlin, the Lagos, Nigeria-born sound and installation artist began listening back to old field recordings he’d amassed of his hometown and adding music to them. He shared some of these compositions…Wed, 19 Apr 2023 12:59:35 +0000 the Alarm: Data Sonification as a Tool for Climate Action sound as a warning is nothing new: fire alarms, school bells and car horns all notify us to pay attention to our immediate surroundings. Some give us small insights, like the bleep of a scanned barcode or the ping of a smartphone – but there are more serious matters…Thu, 13 Apr 2023 08:30:26 +0000 Five Perspectives on Working with Environmental Noise we’re making music, it can feel like we need to create the perfect, pristine environment for recording to eliminate any accidental sound creeping in from the world around us. Physically soundproofing a studio or removing unwanted noise in post-production can be expensive, time consuming – or both. But sometimes…Thu, 04 Aug 2022 14:01:30 +0000 KEN: The Shibui of Field Recording and Electronics recent years, field recording has been slowly moving from the fringes to the mainstream. From its academic origins as a method of keeping a record or audio snapshot of a time and place for cultural-anthropological purposes, field recordings now often appear in popular contexts such as ASMR videos and…Fri, 10 Jun 2022 10:51:56 +0000 Climate Soundtrack: What Does the Future Sound Like? world is full of living sounds. Animals sing, howl and chatter on a changing backdrop of weather and waves. Even the racket of a city can be appreciated as a sign of the pulse of life on earth. But although the human population is an integral part of our…Thu, 14 Apr 2022 13:56:12 +0000 by Spitfire Audio: Making an Instrument from Field Recordings recordings can be a rich compositional tool, but it’s not always easy to know where to start when using them in your own work. Whether you want to document the world around you by capturing a specific place, time or atmosphere, or use effects to turn your recordings into…Thu, 25 Nov 2021 11:23:37 +0000 Spaces the music we make necessarily informed by where we’re born and raised? Or is it largely determined by where we go from there? Or maybe where we are right now is the only place that matters? These and related questions are at the heart of our new artist documentary…Thu, 04 Nov 2021 13:37:48 +0000 Sounds: Sample the City two cities sound the same, and Happy Mag is collecting the idiosyncratic sounds of Sydney with their Sydney Sounds series of free sample packs for Live users. To create each pack, a local artist chooses a location, spends a day armed with field recording gear to capture the sounds…Wed, 07 Jul 2021 14:52:18 +0000 It Back Home: How Gordi Made Our Two Skins sonic textures on Australian indie-pop musician Gordi’s atmospheric album Our Two Skins not only accent her songwriting, but also tell a story. Throughout the record Gordi, aka Sophie Payten, contemplates themes of family – the single Sandwiches is a tribute to her late grandmother – and identity, as well…Thu, 29 Oct 2020 11:10:35 +0000 in Ableton Live: Eomac creates a full-frequency sample pack using field recordings captured in the street on his phone, and produces a techno track with it. Watching his methodology in action is a valuable lesson in sound design, and a perfect demonstration of the idea that there is music everywhere.Wed, 18 Jan 2023 11:22:16 +0000 the Ground Up: Watch Tracks Being Built in Our Video Series, Made in Ableton Live limitless possibilities at the start of a new project can make it hard to know where to focus your inspiration. With that in mind, the new Made In Ableton Live video series follows nine artists as they take a track from conception to completion. Every step of the way,…Thu, 04 Jun 2020 10:08:52 +0000 Information: Channeling Influences with Yu Su’s easy to take the accessibility of music for granted these days. Music lovers in the 21st Century have the means to explore a dizzying expanse of sonic culture in a short space of time, following their interests in hyper-specific routes through new and old music. That’s yielded its own…Tue, 30 Jun 2020 10:47:16 +0000 Mobbs: Beat Picnicking Around the World a sound designer with as global a portfolio as Ally Mobbs, it was surprising to learn that the 2018 Loop event in Hollywood represented his first time in the United States. Starting as a bassist in the UK, a 2009 move to Japan inspired Mobbs to begin working with...Wed, 03 Apr 2019 09:11:06 +0000